Thursday 10 October 2019

Depression and baby loss

So for those who don't know me I am a divorced mother of three children with little or no input from the father. I won't won't lie to you it's hard, so hard some days you struggle to get up and parent.

It's world mental health day and also child loss awareness week. Both of which bring more struggles.  Yes it's easy to say talk about your issues but who wants to hear about depression and baby loss?
 We can all post statuses on Facebook but in reality how many people really understand or want to know?

No one in all honesty. We are all wrapped up in our own lives with our own struggles. I am on anti depressants but I'm scared to tell people in case they judge. I've had five miscarriages but people only show interest if the baby was born because after all it was only cells. I have to deal with this alone and it makes life so hard and me so sad.  Perhaps my problem is im a good listener and will listen to other people's problems and try to help.  Perhaps I've always been told you shouldn't share problems outside the family but if you don't and you cant cant  to family, who can you share too if no one wants to listen. There's the Samaritans but they don't know you so I can do is bumble along in my own sadness and hide it.